Windows Vista or Windows 7, will have problems running some older versions of applications, just because so much has changed under the hood from Windows XP days. How to Always Run an Application As Administrator in. Check the Run as administrator.

Run Windows 1. 0 command prompt (cmd. In Windows 1. 0 you can quite simply run the command prompt as an administrator in Admin!

Content: 1.) .. Start the Windows 1. Administrator Command Prompt (cmd. Windows 1. 0 desktop! See also. Create a copy of the shortcut and rename it to .

Have you ever encountered a program or an application that just won’t run in Windows 7 / Vista? Either it gives a Blue Screen of Death(BSoD) or prompt a wi. Windows Vista and Windows 7 power users have many ways to launch a command prompt. I couldn't work out how to run as administrator when the only account on my. Windows Vista introduced UAC, which helps protect your computer by not allowing any program to have administrative rights unless properly granted. In some situations.

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